My View – Health NZ funding cuts a tipping point for our health system
The recent announcement of 1,120 potential redundancies—comprising 470 unfilled vacancies and over 650 staff positions—within Health New Zealand. Read...
The recent announcement of 1,120 potential redundancies—comprising 470 unfilled vacancies and over 650 staff positions—within Health New Zealand. Read...
ACT proposes $6000 incentive to all kiwis to quit public health system. Read more
Mental distress is on the rise for young people, and there are high levels of unmet need for support. Increasingly, young people are engaging with online mechanisms of support to avoid cost and wait times. Read...
Persistent concerns about the digital divide are typically framed as a deficit of Internet access, skills or participation. Read more
With rising rates of mental health distress amongst youth during the COVID-19 pandemic, digital resources have been identified as a valuable tool for delivering support to young people. Read...
Whakarongorau Aotearoa New Zealand Telehealth Services was a finalist in the 2024 CIO Awards, in the Business Transformation category. Read more
As general practices grapple with a growing shortage of doctors, patients are being asked to seek medical advice via a video or phone call. Is telehealth a possible solution to a chronically under-resourced primary care sector? Read...
A man died after a nurse put the wrong symptom into Healthline’s clinical support tool. Healthline says similar systems are used the world over, and are always being improved. Read...
Telehealth has been touted as one solution to New Zealand’s ongoing health-care crisis, which is particularly stark in rural regions. Read...
Whakarongorau Aotearoa/New Zealand Telehealth Services will become an anchor tenant of Microsoft New Zealand’s new hyperscale cloud region, set to open later this year. Read...
Exploring the impacts of the health system on minorities within the population, notably including Māori, Pacifica, Asians and LGBTQI.