Pharmac proposes widening access to medicine used in the treatment of chronic heart failure
Pharmac is proposing to widen access to a medicine used in the treatment of chronic heart failure.
Pharmac is proposing to widen access to a medicine used in the treatment of chronic heart failure.
Ian Powell formed his ideas of pathologists from watching too many crime dramas involving forensic pathologists. His favourite was CSI's Doc Robbins.
Hospital-based MRI and nuclear medicine technologists have stopped work for four days from 6am Friday morning.
Gene technology (also known as genetic engineering or genetic modification) has been used in New Zealand for a long time. The updated rules intend to support our scientists in using gene technologies to make advancements in healthcare and climate change, protect our unique environment, lift our agricultural productivity, and boost exports.
We are being told the health system is in crisis, “on the brink of failure” – spending beyond its budget, waiting times getting longer, suffering from widespread staff shortages. Read...
Equity is given less attention than efficiency in HEE guidelines. This indicates that HTA agencies while subscribing to an extra-welfarist approach have a narrow evaluative space – focusing on maximising health and not considering the opportunity cost of the equity constraint.
The Government has just announced it’s ending what it calls a nearly 30-year ban on gene technology outside the lab. What does that mean? Science reporter Jamie Morton explains.
This year, according to data from the Institute of Environmental Science and Research, the Auckland metropolitan area has had the most hospitalisations from influenza-like illness since 2015.
The very idea of Pharmac presents a conundrum for the minister in charge, Act leader David Seymour.
New Zealand and the United States are the only high-income countries to allow unrestricted direct-to-consumer advertising of branded medicines, including the name of the drug and the condition for which it is prescribed.
Exploring the impacts of the health system on minorities within the population, notably including Māori, Pacifica, Asians and LGBTQI.