Cuts To The National Public Health Service Shortsighted – College Of Public Health Medicine
The New Zealand College of Public Health Medicine (NZCPHM) is deeply concerned at the prospect of cuts to the National Public Health Service (NPHS). Read...
The New Zealand College of Public Health Medicine (NZCPHM) is deeply concerned at the prospect of cuts to the National Public Health Service (NPHS). Read...
The former director-general of health Sir Ashley Bloomfield wants the government to treat pandemics as a security threat, rather than just a health one. Read...
Health NZ has elected to proactively release documents (including financial reports, briefings, aide mémoires and letters) to provide additional transparency around matters related to Health NZ’s financial performance. Read...
Australia are rethinking their health star rating system, and according to health experts in New Zealand, it's time we followed suit. Read...
Health NZ's board went from "receiving the level of reporting it needed", to its financial situation being "suddenly ... quite different" in just five days, Health Minister Shane Reti says. Read...
group of midwives taking the Ministry of Health to court says it's their last option to keep midwifery services free. Read...
The trend of reducing speed limits in urban areas and on selected state highways in New Zealand reflects a growing consensus among local authorities and the New Zealand Transport Agency (Waka Kotahi) regarding the importance of road safety. Read...
Associate Health Minister Casey Costello has cut the excise tax on Heated Tobacco Products (HTPs), as she aims to make them more attractive as an alternative to smoking. Read...
New Zealand’s road safety is in the spotlight as the Government moves to roll back Labour’s blanket speed limit reductions. Transport Minister Simeon Brown and road safety campaigner Caroline Perry share their views on the issue. Read...
Transport Minister Simeon Brown has issued a directive to Waka Kotahi and councils around the country to cease blanket speed limit reductions. Read...
Exploring the impacts of the health system on minorities within the population, notably including Māori, Pacifica, Asians and LGBTQI.