Expectations set for improved medicines access

16 Jul 2024

Associate Health Minister David Seymour says he has set clear expectations for Pharmac around delivering the medicines and medical technology that Kiwis need.

“For many New Zealanders, funding for pharmaceuticals is life or death, or the difference between a life of pain and suffering or living freely. New cancer medicines that we are providing funding for, along with the additional funding for medicines will help to ensure that New Zealanders have access to the medicines they need for a fulfilling life. This is one of our greatest priorities.

“Pharmac has a big job ahead. In a trying fiscal environment, we need to prioritise funding and resources and ensure Pharmac remains focused on the basic function of procuring medicine for people who need it, to the best of its abilities.

“In my letter I have made clear the need for Pharmac to focus on delivering improved health outcomes underpinned by robust data and evidence. One change that I have outlined is that I do not believe it is appropriate to require Pharmac to continue considering how it can contribute to embedding Te Tiriti o Waitangi across the health sector, which was an expectation in the previous 2023/24 letter.

“We need to ensure that the decisions around the medicine funding and access is informed by the expertise of health professionals, and on this I continue to support the independent model for medicine procurement, which ensures that Pharmac operates at an arm’s length from the Minister in its decision making, drawing on the appropriate expertise.

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