Drugs, Devices, and Diagnostics
Latest | Media coverage | Commentary | Academic Literature | Legislation | Reports and Government Documents
Covering prescription medicines and medical devices, which includes instruments, implants, scans and tests, as well as screening and health promoting interventions.
Media coverage
Hospital MRI and nuclear medicine technologists strike for four days
Hospital-based MRI and nuclear medicine technologists have stopped work for four days from 6am Friday morning.
Explained: Why the Govt’s new gene tech shake-up is a big deal
The Government has just announced it’s ending what it calls a nearly 30-year ban on gene technology outside the lab. What does that mean? Science reporter Jamie Morton explains.
Influenza A: What is it, how serious is it and how long does it last?
This year, according to data from the Institute of Environmental Science and Research, the Auckland metropolitan area has had the most hospitalisations from influenza-like illness since 2015.
Tribunal releases report on Treaty Principles Bill
On Friday 16 August 2024, the Waitangi Tribunal released Ngā Mātāpono – The Principles: The Interim Report of the Tomokia Ngā Tatau o Matangireia – The Constitutional Kaupapa Inquiry Panel on The Crown’s Treaty Principles Bill and Treaty Clause Review Policies in pre-publication format.
Saving our med labs before they end up on the slab
Ian Powell formed his ideas of pathologists from watching too many crime dramas involving forensic pathologists. His favourite was CSI's Doc Robbins.
Academic Literature
Accessing diagnosis and treatment: The experience of cancer as wrangling with the system
Dew et al. We argue that for most people with long-term cancer survival wrangling is a social practice, but the capacity to succeed in that practice is dependent on a range of factors, including levels of economic, cultural, and social capital. Read...
The Drug Burden Index and Level of Frailty as Determinants of Healthcare Costs in a Cohort of Older Frail Adults in New Zealand
Consistent with existing literature, we find that the level of frailty is significantly associated with the cost of healthcare. However, we find no association between drug burden and nonpharmaceutical/overall healthcare costs.
A realist evaluation of the development of extended pharmacist roles and services in community pharmacies
Four intermediate health service outcomes were identified: development of extended community pharmacist services; consumers using extended community pharmacist services; more integrated, collaborative primary health care services; and a fit-for-purpose community pharmacy workforce.
Legislation and Parliament
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Reports and Government Documents
Government Policy Statement on Health 2024–2027
The Government Policy Statement on Health 2024-27 is the public statement of what Government expects the health system to deliver and achieve, and how success will be measured, monitored, and reported.
Sector Cyber security strategy and roadmap
Ministry of Health 2023. The health sector in New Zealand is a critical sector, with multiple interests, especially in the cyber security unit. Read...
Interim Government Policy Statement Measures Snapshot Report 2022/23
Manatū Hauora | Ministry of Health. The Ministry of Health – Manatū Hauora has developed a snapshot report to monitor the progress the health system is making on delivery against the Interim Government Policy Statement on Health 2022–2024 (iGPS). The iGPS set the...
Key issues