Drugs, Devices, and Diagnostics
Latest | Media coverage | Commentary | Academic Literature | Legislation | Reports and Government Documents
Covering prescription medicines and medical devices, which includes instruments, implants, scans and tests, as well as screening and health promoting interventions.
Media coverage
David Seymour’s ‘whole of society’ plan for tipping millions of dollars more in to Pharmac – and Big Pharma
The very idea of Pharmac presents a conundrum for the minister in charge, Act leader David Seymour.
Most high-income countries ban direct advertising of prescription drugs – why does NZ still allow it?
New Zealand and the United States are the only high-income countries to allow unrestricted direct-to-consumer advertising of branded medicines, including the name of the drug and the condition for which it is prescribed.
Health New Zealand backtracks on Keytruda delay, will allow early access to some patients
Health New Zealand Te Whatu Ora has backed down on a plan to delay free access to a life-extending cancer drug after a backlash by patients and advocates.
NZ already spends less on health than Australia or Canada – we need proper funding, not ‘crisis’ management
We are being told the health system is in crisis, “on the brink of failure” – spending beyond its budget, waiting times getting longer, suffering from widespread staff shortages. Read...
How the Treaty really guides NZ’s drug-buying policies
Associate health minister David Seymour’s directive to Pharmac may streamline decisionmaking but it downplays the true role of the Treaty of Waitangi, writes Dominic O’Sullivan
Aotearoa New Zealand Rare Disorders Strategy
The Aotearoa New Zealand Rare Disorders Strategy sets out the direction for the health system to better support people and their whānau living with rare disorders.
Academic Literature
Pharmac should not be criticised simply for being selective and slow about the medicines it funds
Pharmac is often criticised for not funding enough new medicines and for being too slow to determine which ones it will fund. However, being slow and focused is not proof of being too slow or too focused.
Impact of removing prescription co-payments on the use of costly health services: a pragmatic randomised controlled trial
Eliminating a small co-payment appears to have had a substantial effect on patients’ risk of being hospitalised.
How is the Societal Perspective Defined in Health Technology Assessment? Guidelines from Around the Globe
Considering the recent advancements in economic evaluation methods, it is timely to rethink the role of the societal perspective in HTA guidelines and adopt a more comprehensive perspective to include all costs and consequences of healthcare services.
Legislation and Parliament
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Reports and Government Documents
Life since the pandemic: How the COVID-19 pandemic experience has shaped public attitudes and beliefs on public health, infectious disease and vaccination
Manatū Hauora | Ministry of Health. In June 2023, the Public Health Agency, within the Ministry of Health, commissioned research and evaluation agency Verian to undertake a series of research projects and population surveys into attitudes and behaviours related to...
Misuse of Drugs (Pseudoephedrine) Amendment Bill
Health Committee. In accordance with the Government’s commitment to allow the sale of cold and flu medication containing pseudoephedrine, the purpose of this Bill is to change the classification of pseudoephedrine as a controlled drug. This Bill reclassifies...
Revised Code of Practice for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology ORS C1
The Radiation Safety Act 2016 (the Act) is administered by the Manatū Hauora – the Ministry of Health (the Ministry). Section 86(1) of the Act allows the Director for Radiation Safety (Director) to issue codes of practice. This is for the purpose of specifying technical requirements.
Key issues