Drugs, Devices, and Diagnostics
Latest | Media coverage | Commentary | Academic Literature | Legislation | Reports and Government Documents
Covering prescription medicines and medical devices, which includes instruments, implants, scans and tests, as well as screening and health promoting interventions.
Media coverage
Govt’s Pharmac directive could ‘exacerbate’ inequity — expert
A health economics professor says the Government's new direction for Pharmac could exacerbate existing inequities, with the agency now set to make wider economic and social considerations in its funding for drugs.
Budget 2024: Open letter from 16 NZ cancer charities to Christopher Luxon, Nicola Willis, and David Seymour
NZ Herald. Dear Prime Minister Christopher Luxon, Minister of Finance Nichola Willis, and Associate Minister of Health (Pharmac) David Seymour. In August last year a promise was made to fund 13 new cancer medicines via a $280 million ring-fenced fund to Pharmac....
Budget 2024: $5 prescription fee back in weeks – with some exceptions
One News. The Government has confirmed universal free prescriptions will be axed in July with the $5 co-payment restored for most New Zealanders. However, prescriptions will stay free for people with Community Services Cards, people under 14, and people aged 65 and...
Government Policy Statement on Health 2024–2027
The Government Policy Statement on Health 2024-27 is the public statement of what Government expects the health system to deliver and achieve, and how success will be measured, monitored, and reported.
A te Tiriti-based approach to developing a national survey on human rights
The framework for the baseline survey on human rights was developed in alignment with the four articles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Academic Literature
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Legislation and Parliament
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Reports and Government Documents
Therapeutic Products Bill
he purpose of the Therapeutic Products Bill is to protect, promote, and improve the health of all New Zealanders.
Pharmacy Whakamahere: Understanding the pharmacy needs of our population – Summary of findings
During 2021 and 2022, the Pharmacy Team from Manatu Hauora - Ministry of Health and Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand consulted widely with consumer and whānau groups throughout Aotearoa.
The intent was to provide an opportunity for consumer groups to share their honest experiences of pharmacy with us along with suggestions for things that could be done better.
Letter to Pharmac
Additional Expectations of Pharmac arising from the Government response to the independent review.
Key issues