Drugs, Devices, and Diagnostics

Latest | Media coverage | Commentary | Academic Literature | Legislation | Reports and Government Documents

Covering prescription medicines and medical devices, which includes instruments, implants, scans and tests, as well as screening and health promoting interventions.


Prescription for change: New Medical Products Bill expected
Prescription for change: New Medical Products Bill expected

Prescription for change: New Medical Products Bill expected

The Government has recently announced its plan to modernise the regulation of medicines and medical devices by replacing the Medicines Act 1981 with a new Medical Products Bill (Bill). It has also decided that natural health products would be regulated under a standalone bill, yet to be developed.

Media coverage


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Te Tiriti o Waitangi

Te Tiriti o Waitangi

The Ministry of Health’s Te Tiriti o Waitangi (Te Tiriti) Framework provides an updated expression of the Crown’s Te Tiriti obligations in the context of the health and disability system.

Academic Literature

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Legislation and Parliament

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Reports and Government Documents

Pharmacy Whakamahere: Understanding the pharmacy needs of our population – Summary of findings

Pharmacy Whakamahere: Understanding the pharmacy needs of our population – Summary of findings

During 2021 and 2022, the Pharmacy Team from Manatu Hauora - Ministry of Health and Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand consulted widely with consumer and whānau groups throughout Aotearoa.

The intent was to provide an opportunity for consumer groups to share their honest experiences of pharmacy with us along with suggestions for things that could be done better.

Key issues


Covering developments in the provision, funding and organisation of health care services.


Exploring the impacts of the health system on minorities within the population, notably including Māori, Pacifica, Asians and LGBTQI.


Covering prescription medicines and medical devices.


Focusing on efforts to promote health and prevent disease through social and economic interventions.


Exploring the potential digital transformation to provide a more connected and accessible health system.


Monitoring how the health reforms and the performance of the health sector uphold Te Tiriti obligations.