Health Services and Systems
Latest | Media coverage | Commentary | Academic Literature | Legislation | Reports and Government Documents
Covering developments in the provision, funding and organisation of health care services, including the recent restructuring of Aotearoa’s health system.
Media coverage
Health service cuts: ‘New Zealanders are waiting too long’
Patients are facing months of wait-time for elective surgeries, while others are choosing the private route and spending thousands for timely treatment. Read...
Minister Shane Reti defends claim of five-day financial failure at Health NZ
Health New Zealand’s board went from “receiving the level of reporting it needed”, to its financial situation being “suddenly ... quite different” in just five days, Health Minister Shane Reti says. Read...
Sledgehammer’ hospital back office cuts hurting patients, clinicians warn
Hospital admin staff are losing their jobs or not being replaced, forcing stressed doctors and nurses to pick up their workload on top of their own. Read...
Tribunal releases report on Treaty Principles Bill
On Friday 16 August 2024, the Waitangi Tribunal released Ngā Mātāpono – The Principles: The Interim Report of the Tomokia Ngā Tatau o Matangireia – The Constitutional Kaupapa Inquiry Panel on The Crown’s Treaty Principles Bill and Treaty Clause Review Policies in pre-publication format.
NZ already spends less on health than Australia or Canada – we need proper funding, not ‘crisis’ management
We are being told the health system is in crisis, “on the brink of failure” – spending beyond its budget, waiting times getting longer, suffering from widespread staff shortages. Read...
Anatomy of a health crisis
Aotearoa New Zealand’s public healthcare services are increasingly unable to meet the population’s health need, be it in hospital and specialist services, mental health and addiction (MHA) or primary and community care. Read...
Academic Literature
Quantifying and understanding the impact of unmet need on New Zealand general practice
Not getting access to appropriate specialist healthcare is having a significant detrimental effect on patients, health professionals and general practices, a University of Otago report has found.
Legislation and Parliament
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Reports and Government Documents
Cabinet and briefing material: Disestablishment of the Māori Health Authority
Cabinet. The Government has committed in its 100-day plan to disestablish the Māori Health Authority. Cabinet directed me to report back in mid-January with legislative options. This paper sets out my proposed approach to disestablishing the Authority. Read...
Cabinet Material: Pae Ora Health Strategies
Ministry of Health 2022. This Cabinet paper and attachments include five final drafts, and one provisional draft version (Disabled People Strategy) of the Pae Ora Strategies for improving the health status of New Zealanders. Read...
Interim Government Policy Statement Measures Snapshot Report 2022/23
Ministry of Health. The Ministry of Health – Manatū Hauora has developed a snapshot report to monitor the progress the health system is making on delivery against the Interim Government Policy Statement on Health 2022–2024 (iGPS). Read...
Key issues