Public Health
Latest | Media coverage | Commentary | Academic Literature | Legislation | Reports and Government Documents
Focusing on efforts to promote health and prevent disease in populations, intervening at the level of the social and economic determinants of health to achieve health equity.
Media coverage
NZ First Minister Casey Costello orders 50% cut to excise tax on heated tobacco products
Associate Health Minister Casey Costello has cut the excise tax on Heated Tobacco Products (HTPs), as she aims to make them more attractive as an alternative to smoking. Read...
The case for and against reversing blanket speed limit reductions
New Zealand’s road safety is in the spotlight as the Government moves to roll back Labour’s blanket speed limit reductions. Transport Minister Simeon Brown and road safety campaigner Caroline Perry share their views on the issue. Read...
Early Edition with Ryan Bridge Full Show Podcast: 19 July 2024
Professor Chris Bullen responded to news that Associate Health Minister Casey Costello had quietly cut the tax on heated tobacco products by 50%, against the advice of her officials. Read...
Tribunal releases report on Treaty Principles Bill
On Friday 16 August 2024, the Waitangi Tribunal released Ngā Mātāpono – The Principles: The Interim Report of the Tomokia Ngā Tatau o Matangireia – The Constitutional Kaupapa Inquiry Panel on The Crown’s Treaty Principles Bill and Treaty Clause Review Policies in pre-publication format.
Medical education in New Zealand Current state and consideration of future options
The University of Auckland (UoA) and University of Otago (UoO) have drawn together an overview of New Zealand’s current medical education system and assessment of future options to address the problems the system faces. This is designed to inform Manatū Hauora...
Aotearoa New Zealand Rare Disorders Strategy
The Aotearoa New Zealand Rare Disorders Strategy sets out the direction for the health system to better support people and their whānau living with rare disorders.
Academic Literature
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Legislation and Parliament
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Reports and Government Documents
Independent Review of the Alcohol Levy – Stage 2
Ministry of Health. In 2023, the Ministry of Health, with the support of Health New Zealand, commissioned Allen + Clarke, working with the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research, to review the use of the alcohol levy and its function under the new Pae Ora...
Cabinet Material: Pae Ora Health Strategies
Ministry of Health 2022. This Cabinet paper and attachments include five final drafts, and one provisional draft version (Disabled People Strategy) of the Pae Ora Strategies for improving the health status of New Zealanders. Read...
Interim Government Policy Statement Measures Snapshot Report 2022/23
Ministry of Health. The Ministry of Health – Manatū Hauora has developed a snapshot report to monitor the progress the health system is making on delivery against the Interim Government Policy Statement on Health 2022–2024 (iGPS). Read...
Key issues