Tracking Health Reform in the Coalition Government
Promises and Implementation
How did Health NZ go from $500 million of savings to a $1 billion hole?
A watchdog said Health New Zealand's financial reporting had improved significantly just weeks before a huge deficit came to light. Read more
Health NZ Financial Reporting from FY 2023/24
Health NZ has elected to proactively release documents (including financial reports, briefings, aide mémoires and letters) to provide additional transparency around matters related to Health NZ’s financial performance. Read...
Data and information to come under new directorate at Health NZ
Data services, national collections, analytics and coding will be brought together under a new interim Director of Data and Information at Health New Zealand Te Whatu Ora as part of a proposed restructuring at the organisation.
Aotearoa New Zealand Rare Disorders Strategy
The Aotearoa New Zealand Rare Disorders Strategy sets out the direction for the health system to better support people and their whānau living with rare disorders.
Government to replace Health NZ board with commissioner
The government is installing Health NZ Te Whatu Ora's board chair Lester Levy as a commissioner, replacing the organisation's board.
Cabinet material: reducing excise duty from heated tobacco products
This paper updates Cabinet on policy considerations to reduce the excise duty applied to heated tobacco products.
Government Policy Statement on Health 2024–2027
The Government Policy Statement on Health 2024-27 is the public statement of what the Government expects the health system to deliver and achieve, and how success will be measured, monitored, and reported.
REPORT: Capturing the benefits of AI in healthcare for Aotearoa New Zealand – Full report
This report was requested by Prime Minister Hipkins in 2023 and was produced at pace for delivery of draft recommendations ahead of the 2023 election (full terms of reference outlined in Annex 1).
Vote Health
Vote Health ('the Vote'), $29,637 million in 2024/25, is a significant public investment in the wellbeing of New Zealanders and their families.
New direction for Health New Zealand
Professor Lester Levy has been appointed as a member and Chair of the Board of Health New Zealand - Te Whatu Ora (Health NZ), Health Minister Dr Shane Reti announced today.
Local Government (Electoral Legislation and Māori Wards and Māori Constituencies) Amendment Bill
The Bill gives effect to the Coalition Government’s commitment to reinstating the right to a local referendum on the establishment or ongoing use of Māori wards and Māori constituencies. This includes requiring a poll, at the next local body elections, on any Māori wards and Māori constituencies established without a poll.
Oranga Tamariki (Repeal of Section 7AA) Amendment Bill
The Bill repeals section 7AA of the Oranga Tamariki Act 1989. The intention of the Bill is to enable Oranga Tamariki—Ministry for Children to renew its focus on the safety and well-being of children in care arrangements.
100 “Kick-Arse” days in Government: implications for equity
Monique Jonas for Ki Te Pae Tawhiti, the NZ Health Reform Collective. When newly elected National MP for Rangitata James Meager (Ngai Tahu) addressed the House last December, he spoke of his childhood in South Timaru. He described growing up in hardship and the...
100 Days of Tiriti “partnership”?
Monique Jonas (Pākehā) and Anneka Anderson (Kāi Tahu and Kāti Māmoe) for Ki Te Pae Tawhiti NZ Health Reform Collective. When Minister of Health Dr Shane Reti presented the Pae Ora (Disestablishment of Māori Health Authority) Amendment Bill to the House for its...
What the Coalition Government’s 100 Days Plan Reveals About Its Commitment to Health
100 days plan for health