‘It’s about having that knowledge, tino rangatiratanga!’ Understanding structural barriers to accessing aged residential care services among older Māori in New Zealand

Kōtuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online

27 Nov 2023

Keelan et al.

New Zealand’s older Indigenous people (Māori) are underserved and underrepresented as consumers of aged residential care services (ARC). This study seeks to ascertain, from the perspectives of older Māori and whānau (family), the influence of structural factors that impact the process of seeking aged residential care. This study used a qualitative Kaupapa Māori research approach. In-depth interviews were undertaken with older Māori (n = 30) and whānau members (n = 18).

Our findings challenge and disrupt the universalistic nature that underpin New Zealand health structures. Health decision-makers should consider these findings to address the powerful and damaging effects structural racism has that compromise older Māori and whānau uptake and access to ARC services.

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