Ngāti Raukawa’s message to Waitangi Tribunal: We did not cede sovereignty

image of Ani Mikaere

29 Jul 2024

NZ Herald

Ngāti Raukawa had the final word, closing a four-year programme of Waitangi Tribunal hearings to hear evidence from the Iwi.

Māori law and philosophy lecturer Ani Mikaere stated Ngāti Raukawa has never ceded sovereignty to the Crown, speaking to the Waitangi Tribunal on behalf of herself and her co-claimant, Dr Whatarangi Winiata, at the final hearing for the Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga confederation.

The hearing was held last Thursday and Friday, with the Tribunal convening in Wellington while tangata whenua witnesses gathered at Raukawa Marae and gave their evidence online. Mikaere was the final speaker on behalf of Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga closing the tangata whenua hearings which began in March 2020.

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