Prolonging the Tobacco Endgame in Aotearoa/ New Zealand: A Tragedy With Global Implications

Medicina Internacia Revuo

24 Oct 2024

Houghton, F.

Aotearoa/ New Zealand was due to introduce a ground-breaking new law that would potentially achieve smoke-free status by 2025 by banning cigarettes completely for people below a certain age and raising that age annually. This move is vital for the population generally but is particularly important for Māori. The Māori population has significantly higher rates of tobacco-related mortality and morbidity, as well as smoking rates almost 200% higher than the New Zealand European population. However, a newly elected right-wing Government there has made an abrupt U-turn and abandoned this policy. The implications of this about-turn will impact not only Aotearoa/ New Zealand but will undoubtedly setback tobacco control globally.

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